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Thursday, April 9, 2020

TAKE TEN with Marcella D. Moore, Author/Motivational Speaker

1. Marcella, glad to have you as part of our Take Ten series. I met you because of your contribution to the book 31 Ways of Influence which focuses on the Proverbs 31 woman. Share with our audience what it’s been like to see the response to the book.
I am grateful that this book has blessed so many women.  This is the benefit of collaboration; several women with different stories of hope and triumph.  I am honored that God chose to use my story of pain, disappointment, uncertainty and low self-esteem to encourage others and show them that they can live beyond their circumstances.

2. You have made a name for yourself in business as well as through your work as a motivational speaker and author. What has it been like to see how your gifts have benefited others?
It brings me great joy to know that my stories have brought so much life to others.  This is confirmation for me that I am walking and living out my purpose. 

3. In your chapter of the book 31 Ways of Influence you share about your own purpose and dealing with challenges. What was that like for you to show others, especially women, what they could overcome?
While experiencing my challenges I did not know that it was something I had to go through in order to be where I am today.  Every time I receive feedback and testimonies from women of how my story helped them it brings another level of confidence in my life and provides a clearer understanding of who God has called me to me.  Initially I did not get it; I felt abandoned and unloved but I now have clarity and that clarity helps me speak life to others, encouraging them and reminding them that they can overcome too.

4. Your faith has obviously guided you along the way, Marcella. When did you realize that you were created for a specific purpose?
I love this question.  When I was a little girl I knew that there was something special about me but I had no one to cultivate and help me understand what it was.  As I grew older I knew that I was supposed to encourage and help people.  I knew from attending church as a child that God called people to ministry.  In my mid-twenties I was told by a minister that God called me to teach.  While not clear about what that meant I continued to encourage others.  My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2012 and during her treatments she brought people to me who was diagnosed with state 3 and 4 cancer asking me to encourage and pray for them.  During that time I became 100% clear about my purpose.

5. Has it been easy for you to embrace your own greatness, especially when things don’t seem to be going your way?
I still second guess myself at times but every time I get in that space God sends someone to remind me that I helped them.  When I find myself facing challenges, I constantly remind myself that something great is at the end of the process.  I also use the tools that I teach to others and remind myself of whose I am.  While it can be overwhelming at times I am committed to the mission and to the woman God has called me to be.

6. One of the things you talk about is seeing ourselves as God sees us. That’s not always easy. What has helped you to do that?
This at times is one of my biggest challenges especially in this world of social media.  I think women rule when it comes to comparing ourselves to others.  When I start feeling unworthy and less than the woman God has called me to be, I quickly go to the scriptures and remind myself of whose I am.  I rehearse scriptures like Genesis 1:27 and Psalms 139:14. I also become intentional about spending time with people who are secure with their identity, I create affirmations that speak life to me and I pray. 

7. So many people get stuck, allowing either their past or others to define them and what’s possible. What has helped you not to get stuck in that trap?
I constantly tell myself that my past does not dictate my future but it creates lessons that I can use to empower me today.  I work hard not to become isolated, isolation can be a dangerous space.  I remember the tools that have helped me throughout my journey and I practice them and I remember my why.

8. I know 2020 is going to be an exciting year for you. What are some of the things we should be looking out for?
The last couple of years I’ve focused mainly on my non-profit organization, Motivate and Pray, Inc.  This year I will focus more on expanding my business, Marcella D. Moore, LLC.  My business goals include more collaborations, my own book and continuing to create empowerment events that encourage individuals to live a more productive life.

9. Thanks for your time, Marcella. Glad we had a chance to connect. How can our audience stay connected with you?
Thank you for this amazing opportunity to be a part of your platform.  Readers can connect with me on my website, Facebook – Marcella D. Moore and follow me on Instagram and Twitter @celladmotivates.

10. Finally what advice do you have for readers about the importance of realizing who they were created to be?
It is mandatory that you understand who you were created to be.  When God released us in the earth from our mother’s womb we cried and I believe that cry was an announcement to the world that I AM HERE!  During that announcement purpose was released with us and when you understand that you have something special to offer the world you will cancel out the negative energies that try to keep you down.  God has not nor will He change His mind concerning the purpose He has for your life, when we believe this we can embrace the different processes of life and understand that they are necessary to fine-tune and develop us so that we can be effective in the earth.  You are amazing, you are special and you are God’s beloved.

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