Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Shamay Edmonds, author of DEAR S.I.S.

Shamay, it’s great to have connected with you this year.   What has it been like for you to see the response to your book DEAR S.I.S. (Screaming In Silence)?
It has and still is an amazing experience. I knew God was going to make it something big, but I didn’t know how many were screaming and still are screaming in silence.

You are an author and a motivational speaker, using your platform to share your own story and that of others. When did you realize that you had a story you wanted to share?
I’ve always known God was going to give me a platform to encourage and inspire others. Since I was a child I was the "go to” person to help others through their problems, but it wasn’t until a few years ago when I felt numb that I knew God wanted me to share my story bit by bit.

Being vulnerable is sometimes seen as a weakness. You have really shown it to be a strength. How did you get over the fear of what others would think of you by sharing your truth? 
Fear has had a lot of control over me in my school age days, however, as I became a mother of five I decided I was going to draw complete strength from God. I completely stopped predicting my steps off of others' reactions when I began to be confident in why God called me to be. Owning your truth and appreciating what it brings out of it for you is such a beautiful love story. 

DEAR S.I.S. reminds us that although we might not see what others are going through all
 of us are dealing with something. Tell us about what it’s been like for you to hear from readers. It has been so remarkable to hear readers saying things like “Thanks for being my voice,” “This book has truly giving me a chance to start to own my closet” and “This book has begun to knock down the layers.” It’s one thing to be confident in your story and mission, but it’s a completely different yet fulfilling emotion to see how it effects others.

I mentioned that you are also a motivational speaker. What has that been like for you to be out front and center with your message? 
It has been a very personal yet phenomenal experience. I have never had an issue with being vulnerable in my truth. It was just about sharing ALL of that truth and to be able to speak to others using how I overcame to show them they can too. It is so heart warming and fulfilling 

You really are using video well when it comes to sharing your message. What has that been like for you to see in real-time how others are benefiting from it?
It has been such a learning and emotional experience to see in real time how people really are screaming in silence and just need help finding their voice.

That brings up social media. You really seem to like Instagram and Facebook. How did you make the decision as to how you were going to use them in building your brand?
Yes I do indeed enjoy those platforms, because I know people all over need to hear about hope, inspiration, and beautiful masterpieces build in brokenness.

You and I met through a mutual friend. That means that word of mouth has been important for you. What has that been like to see the support of others when it comes to what you are doing? To get sincere support means so much. Again not ever looking for man's approval, because God has already approved me. To see someone taking hold of your vision and wanting to support you to carry it out because they know how impactful it is, leaves me speechless.

Can you give us an idea of what you are looking forward to as the year goes on?
Absolutely. I have two more parts to Screaming In Silence, which a lot of my followers are waiting for them. Dear Church will be covering church hurt and the silent screams, and the last one is “Dear me… NO MORE SCREAMING IN SILENCE” which will be more of my story. Ultimately I will be turning a few of the stories into short films and one into a movie. My”Dear Sis You Win” will be a movement that touches everywhere with hope and inspiration.

What advice do you have for others who believe they have a story to share and need that little push? 
Don’t let it be in vain. EVERYTHING you go through is for a reason Never doubt yourself and push it until you see what you pray for. We all have stories, but the ones that get written are the ones we choose to write. Make the choice to pursue what ever it is you want. Philippians 4:6 says 'Don’t  worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.' Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.
Thanks again for the time, Shamay. How can our readers stay connected with you and of course get the book?
My platforms consist of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. All are “Dear Sis You Win”.
My book you can get off of my site and on Amazon, Kindle, iBook, and Nook.

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