Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, June 23, 2013

[Feature] 12 Songs That Speak to the Heart

by Cyrus Webb

I love music. I can remember during my years in band while in Junior High and High School how much I enjoyed the opportunities to pick up my trumpet and play. I love the way music not only reaches you where you are but also pushes you forward towards where you want to be. Music has power, and those who are bringing it to the forefront or powerful forces in the world.

I'm asked sometimes what keeps me motivated and music is honestly one of those things. When I am trying to get centered or to focus, I turn to songs that I've heard which take me to that very space.

Are you looking for some musical choices that will not just speak to your heart but keep you moving forward? Here are 12 songs that have done just that for me:

  1. "Lose Yourself" by Eminem 
  2. "I Believe In Me" by Abraham McDonald
  3. "I Dreamed a Dream" by Susan Boyle
  4. "I Gotta Feeling" by Black Eyed Peas
  5. "Excuses" by Estee
  6. "I Believe I Can Fly" by R. Kelly
  7. "The Voice Within" by Christina  Aguilera
  8. "I Will Be Alright" by Livre'
  9. "Live Your Life" by T. I. featuring Rihanna
  10. "Unwritten" by  Natasha Bedingfield
  11. "Release It" by Vickie Winans
  12. "Lucky Day" by Tomas Doncker
What about you? Have songs that have gotten you through a particular valley in your life? Share them with us online at or email me at Would love to share your choices as well.

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