Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mary's Motivational Message: Stay Focused

Have you ever experienced a situation that left you mesmerized? Well, you are going to be blown away at how GOD reached out and delivered a message to me several weeks ago.

Many of my readers already know that my earthly assignment is that of a writer. I connected with my assignment in the seventh grade. However, recently I was contracted to work with our Vets and I was honored to do so. This short assignment required that I make a major shift within my life; relocating temporarily from family, friends, commitments and my community.

I had numerous reservations but I knew without doubt I was called for this short assignment. Every obstacle that presented was resolved. The path was cleared and all I had to do was get my business in order, pack my bags and obey.

Weeks after settling in, I found myself overwhelmed and perplexed. I knew that I was where I was supposed to be yet; I continued to host a heaviness. And the heaviness engulfed me as I dined at one of my favorite eateries weeks ago. On this day in particular, the eatery was extremely crowded and as I sat indulging, from a distance my eyes settled in on an older woman in her Sunday best. This older woman appeared to be heading in my direction.

As our separation slowly minimized, I found myself questioning the connection. Was she an acquaintance of my mom, god mother, grandmother or my Aunt Carol? She appeared to be in her eighties or early nineties and she was beyond beautiful. As she approached my table she smiled with the grace of a Queen as she stated, “Hi baby. Do you have kinfolk in Texas or Louisiana”? I responded, “Yes. My Grandmother is from Louisiana.” And, she replied, “You look just like my kinfolk.”  We shared a moment of awkward silence then she said with a heartwarming smile, “You have a beautiful day.” I replied, “Thank you.” I watched intensely as she slowly walked away towards the buffets exit.

As I reacquainted myself with my meal, I was startled by an indescribable feeling. I glanced up to find her…the beautiful older woman standing in front of my table. Her welcoming smile was gone and replaced by a no nonsense stare as she looked deeply into my eyes and gifted me with this message, “Stay focused. It is important that you stay focused.” After delivering the message she simply turned and walked away.

I don’t know where she came from but without doubt, I have come to understand that she was sent to deliver the words I needed to hear. Just like I need Food, Water and Shelter; I needed to hear those words.
As you continue to journey through your life, never forget that GOD has a plan for you.  Regardless, of what life throws your way, find reassurance in knowing that if need be, God will send one of HIS representatives to simply remind you of the importance of staying focused.

Love, Peace and Continuous Joy,                                                                                                                                                                             Mary E. Gilder

Mary E. Gilder is the author of the award winning novel, A Misrepresentation of Myself and the soon to be released, Even a Man Can Have a Broken Heart.  Visit her website at or contact her at, or on face book. Author Mary E. Gilder is also available for speaking engagements.                     

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