Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, June 23, 2013

GIFTED BY DESIGN: Fashion Designer Leanne Ramnarine

by Cyrus Webb

If there one thing I have learned over the last decade of my life it's that we all have something special within us. It's just up to us to allow it the opportunity to show itself.

We are all gifted by design, however, if we don't allow what the Creator has given us to come through the world will be deprived of that gift. Fashion designer Leanne Ramnarine is one of those individuals who is not just talented, but she is allowing that talent to take her places she once only dreamed about.

We were introduced to each other earlier this year, and the conversation we shared really showed why she is an individual that is living with purpose and passion.

"It feels really good," she told me when I asked what was it like for others to be able to discover her talent. "It has always been my dream to create beautiful clothes, so to actually be making it and seeing it come to life is exciting for me."

Leanne's talent first showed itself in drawing. She told me that it has always been a part of her life. "In the beginning I didn't realize I was any different than anyone else," she says. "It was a bit of escapism for me. Others would say 'You have something special going on there.'" It was the encouragement from her mother, though, that gave her the ok to move forward."

When it comes to inspiration, Leanne told me that she finds it all over the place. "It could be nature or different historical periods for me," she says. For her the important thing is to just do it. "If I wasn't doing this I wouldn't be as fulfilled right now. I have to be create. When it comes to artists it's hard to stifle that dream. If I stifle it I would feel as though I was suffocating a part of yourself. I yearn for this sort of existence. I have to make this a big part of my life."

Though she enjoys the creative process the critical aspect of the business is something that takes some getting used to. "What we do as designers is an art form that is so subjective," Leanne explains. She told me when you are sharing your work, "it is very exciting and scary." That fear doesn't stop her. It almost empowers her. "It's important to do what you love to do because you love doing it. What opportunities come from it is a bonus."

Leanne's advice to you is simple: "The most important thing is when you get beaten down you have to keep getting up. You have to keep going and believing in yourself." If we follow that and stay true to the Creator of our gift there is no way we can go wrong.

To stay in touch with Leanne Ramnarine find her online at and

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